AARP Eye Center

In honor of National Family Caregiver Month, AARP Nebraska presented Senator Eliot Bostar with the 2023 “Champion for Prescription Drug Affordability” Award and Senator Tom Brewer with the 2023 “Champion for Family Caregivers” Award. These awards represent a select, bi-partisan group of elected officials across the country who have fought in various ways to lower the price of prescription drugs or to help family caregivers have the tools they need to care for their loved ones.
Senator Bostar’s efforts on LB779—amended and passed as part of LB92—requires insurers to limit the total amount charged for a tier 1 covered prescription insulin drug to no more than $35 a month. Diabetes is one of the most common chronic diseases—being the seventh leading cause of death in the U.S. Roughly 9.6% of adult Nebraskans live with diagnosed diabetes and experience an average monthly cost of $450-$500 to purchase insulin to survive.
Senator Brewer’s work on LB256—amended and passed as part of LB296—provides consumers the ability to connect with a health care provider via telehealth with assurances that their service will be covered. Telehealth services help eliminate time and distance barriers, as well as provide for long-term support in home or community-based service settings, creating the least disruption to the already fragile resident. Telehealth may also assist family caregivers’ efforts by easing the amount of time needed away from work, especially in our most rural sections of the state.
“Today, our families, friends, and neighbors are better off because of the work of both Senator Bostar and Senator Brewer. When Nebraska residents are forced to choose between filling life-saving prescriptions vs. paying rent or between earning a paycheck vs. caring for a loved one, that creates pressure—especially for an aging population. We’ll continue our work to make positive improvements for prescription drug costs and caregiver support,” shared Jina Ragland, AARP Nebraska’s Associate State Director of Advocacy and Outreach.
To learn more about how AARP Nebraska is helping bring prescription drug price relief and overcoming barriers for caregivers in Nebraska age 50 and older, visit