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Jack Vincent, a celebrated volunteer in the York community, is the 2013 recipient of AARP Nebraska’s highest volunteer award. He is the twelfth individual to be honored with the annual Andrus Award for Community Service since it was established in 2002.
Vincent’s charity, TeamMates of York Chapter, is a big winner, too. AARP Nebraska presented the organization with a check for $2,500 on behalf of Vincent, who has served as a board member and mentor and is currently program co-coordinator of the York chapter. TeamMates is a one hour a week school-based mentoring program whose mission is to positively impact the world by inspiring youth to reach their full potential.
As an energetic recruiter of new mentors for TeamMates, Vincent is credited with the chapter growing from 21 matches in 2008 to 120 matches in 2013. In his role, he works to ensure that more than 100 youth in the York Public Schools have an adult they can turn to with questions and advice.
"There is no question that the most obvious value I have seen from volunteering has been realized in the York TeamMates program. So many friends in York have signed on to be mentors to make a major difference in the lives of young students," Vincent said.
Steve Moseley, who nominated Vincent for the award, described him as "perhaps the most dedicated volunteer in York history."
“Jack’s tireless work across a remarkable array of volunteer service provides an outstanding example to others in the community,” he said, adding that his “willingness to give back to his community is truly unparalleled.” Several people also submitted letters of recommendation, including Mike Lucas, superintendent of York Public Schools.
Vincent is a retired Army Lt. Col. who served his country for 22 years before moving to York with his family in 1987 to become part of the business community. He has been associated with American Legion and Cornerstone Baseball for over 22 years, is a member of the York Optimist Club and recently joined the York Senior Center Board of Directors. He has received the York Chamber of Commerce Community Service Award and served as the 2005 Yorkfest King, York’s most prestigious recognition of community service.
Vincent said he takes pride in the award "since it represents the efforts of hundreds of dedicated volunteers who have had a major part in the success of many local projects."
“Through his extraordinary record of service with TeamMates and beyond, Jack Vincent demonstrates what it means to make a difference in the lives of others. The Andrus Award acts as a symbol to the public that we can all work together for positive social change,” said Bob Eppler, state president of AARP Nebraska. “AARP has long valued the spirit of volunteerism and the important contributions volunteers make to their communities, neighbors and the programs they serve.”
.Andrus Award recipients across the nation were chosen for their ability to enhance the lives of AARP members and prospective members, improve the community in or for which the work was performed, and inspire others to volunteer.