AARP Eye Center

We’re writing with an important message to let you know that we have canceled our external events until further notice. While convening events is a core part of our mission, we have changed our approach in light of the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. This includes the AARP Foundation Tax Aide program and in-person Drive Safety courses.
Those who registered for a canceled/postponed event will receive an e-mail with details and the new date if the event has been rescheduled.
At AARP, we have been promoting the health and well-being of older Americans for over 60 years. Our top priority is the health and well-being of staff, volunteers, members and the community at large. We are monitoring developments closely and are taking precautions recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and local public health agencies.
We want you to know that AARP is providing information and resources to help older people and caregivers protect themselves from the virus and prevent its spread. You can find AARP's coronavirus resources at We also point you to, and your state and local health agencies for the latest information.
If you need immediate assistance about your AARP membership, please call our toll-free number at 1-888-687-2277 or please e-mail the AARP New Mexico state office at
Thank you for your patience and understanding during this unprecedented time. We apologize for any inconvenience.