AARP Eye Center
With the November general election just over two months away, AARP New Mexico is launching a comprehensive voter campaign to ensure that people age 50 plus can vote safely -- whether they chose to do so in person or from the safety of their home.

The “Protect Voters 50+” initiative will kick off Aug. 27 with a special teletown hall with New Mexico Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver. AARP New Mexico Associate State Director for Advocacy DeAnza Valencia and Secretary Toulouse Oliver will discuss everything people need to know about voting, whether doing absentee voting, early voting or voting on Election Day and will be taking your questions.
“The pandemic is threatening the health and financial security of millions of Americans 50+,” said DeAnza Valencia, AARP New Mexico Associate State Director for Advocacy. “AARP has adapted to the reality of the 2020 election year. We’re working hard to make sure voters can vote safely and know their voting options and who better to help explain those options than Secretary of State Toulouse Oliver.
John Hishta, AARP Senior Vice President of Campaigns, said, “AARP is demanding action to make sure that Americans 50-plus – whether they are working parents, family caregivers, or seniors in nursing homes – can vote and make their voices heard. Politicians need to protect the health and financial security of voters 50+, especially during this pandemic.”
The teletown hall will be from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. this Thursday evening, Aug. 27. AARP New Mexico members will be called remotely asking if they would like to join in on the town hall. If you do not receive a call or are not an AARP member, you can still join in on your computer or device by going to
New Mexicans can also find comprehensive information on how to vote by visiting:
The campaign goes beyond being able to vote safely. AARP also wants to ensure that politicians are paying attention to the issues that matter most to voters age 50 plus. That is why AARP is fighting to protect 50 plus voters on the issues like protecting Social Security and Medicare and lowering prescription drug prices.
“Our research shows that older voters determined that last two elections and while some politicians may think that they need to sway younger voters, if they ignore the older voter they do so at their own peril,” Valencia said.
“We’re speaking up to candidates to remind them that 50 plus voters are watching,” she said.
In the last two elections, 50 plus voters decided the elections. In the 2016 presidential elections 53 percent of the electorate was people age 50 plus. In the 2018 mid-terms, 59 percent was age 50 plus. Therefore, it makes sense that the 50 plus voter will determine this election as well.
The “Protect Voters 50+” campaign will provide people with the information they need about this year’s elections, including:
- Polling
- Issue briefings
- Video Voters' guides
- Direct mail, text messaging, social media and paid media
Election information will be provided through a full-scale digital effort, including,, AARP Now app, social media, and news alerts.
AARP has a proud 34-year history of non-partisan voter engagement and does not endorse or oppose candidates, nor does AARP make contributions to political campaigns or candidates. We encourage all New Mexicans to ask questions, so they understand where the candidates stand on important issues and make their own decisions this fall.