AARP Eye Center
The inspiring words of Dr. Ethel Percy Andrus, which are the title of this message, are certainly being carried out by AARP volunteers.
AARP New Mexico has 260,000 members across our state, of which some are giving back through volunteering. They are legislative advocates, community volunteers, work special AARP events, provide caregivers with resources and respite, teach driver safety and help people with their taxes through the AARP Foundation’s Tax Aide program – just to mention a few of our activities. Our volunteers are serving others, and at the same time enriching their lives with fruitful service.

Dr. Andrus is the founder of AARP as well as the National Retired Teachers Association (NRTA), and the state affiliate of NRTA is the New Mexico Association of Educational Retirees (NMAER). AARP and NMAER are nonpartisan partners and their volunteers together are a mighty force of goodness for our citizens.
The 6,000 NMAER members, of which most are AARP members, provided over $9 million worth in value of volunteer service to New Mexico this past year. AARP and NMAER volunteers together provide many needed services to New Mexicans, and improve the lives of our citizens.
Without these dedicated individuals who are determined to give back to their communities and help their neighbors, AARP would not be able to do its work.
AARP is at the forefront advocating for social security protection, reducing the cost of prescription drugs, saving for retirement, providing resources for family caregivers, increasing health care access, and other important society changes.
The NMAER members are advocating for the sustainability of Retiree Health Care for 64,000 New Mexicans, as well as maintaining the educational retirement pension funds. We have challenging issues that must be addressed in the future.
Our dedicated volunteers and staff will step up as they have in the past because it is right thing to do.
I like the powerful words of Dr. Andrus who said, “To serve, and not to be served,” because her words sum up what our volunteers do for others. Thank you, volunteers for your service.