AARP Eye Center

Creating opportunities for people to be active, healthy and socially engaged is an important part of AARP Rhode Island’s mission to empower people to choose how we live as we age.
AARP Rhode Island Virtual Gardening - Fall '23 Edition
Part 1 URI Master Gardener Cheryl Keller discusses growing, preserving and using garden herbs in your kitchen? Watch.
Part 2 Cheryl has tips for putting your gardern to bed for the winter. Watch.
Part 3 We wrap up our Fall 2023 URI Master Gardener series with tips on care for holiday plants. Watch.
AARP Rhode Island Virtual Gardening - Spring '23 Edition
April-June 2023
Organic The series begins with tips on how an organic gardening approach can boost your growing season. Volunteer Shirley Harris hosts the hour. Watch.
Raised Tips on creating bountiful, back-saving raised gardens and container gardens. Watch.
Compost Supercharge your garden. Here's the scoop on composting. Watch.
AARP Rhode Island Virtual Gardening - Fall '22 Edition
October-November 2022
Seed saving Learn how to make the most of your fall seeds as you plan for spring from URI Master Gardener Bill Baddeley. Watch.
AARP Rhode Island Virtual Gardening - Spring '22 Edition
April 5, 2022
Part 1 URI Master Gardener, Lorraine Lee demonstrates early seed planting. She is welcomed by volunteer Shirley Harris, Watch.
May, 2022
Part 2 Master Gardner Bill Baddeley covers seeds, nursery plants, siting and planning the garden, sunlight, water, nutrients and pH, soil tests, plant protection, and weeding. Watch.
AARP Rhode Island Virtual Gardening - Fall '21 Edition
August 2021
Part 1 In the first of a three-part series, URI Master Gardener, Lorraine Lee demonstrates how to create both basic and advanced naturalistic designs in containers. Watch.
Part 2 Bring nature indoors with a container garden of edible herbs and flowers, traditional houseplants and some homegrown greens. Watch.
Part 3 Create autumn gardens to brighten shorter days, Also, planting spring bulbs in containers. Watch.