AARP Eye Center
AARP@TheStateHouse aims to organize volunteers who will make their presence known at the State House every Tuesday of the legislative session and on days of key votes.
In 2012, volunteers successfully lobbied for a law that supports family caregivers by guaranteeing workers up to four weeks of leave at about two-thirds pay to care for a relative. In 2014 AARP volunteers will resume their advocacy for 50+ Rhode Islanders.
To prepare for the upcoming General Assembly session, we invite members to a 3 p.m. legislative briefing at the State Office, 10 Orms St., Providence on Nov. 14. For more information or to sign up, call Deanna Casey, AARP associate state director for advocacy, at 401-248-2655.
Last session's volunteers should attend and we encourage those already on board to invite others who might be interested.
Participants are briefed on current key issues at the AARP state office at 10 Orms Street before heading off each week. AARP provides free parking and transportation to the State House, sparing volunteers that strenuous hike up Smith Hill.
On hand outside the doors of the House and Senate (and, with permission, venturing onto the floor befor the session is call to order), the volunteers push for consumer protections, support for family caregivers and other issues important to Rhode Islanders age 50-plus.
“A steady stream of AARP volunteers is be hard for lawmakers to miss,” said Casey. "And this being Rhode Island, our volunteers are quick to make personal connections once a conversation starts. Legislators remember that."
Volunteers Janet Fenton and Sandra Norton join Deanna and Rochelles Jennings from the State Office on Tuesday, February 27.
State House photo by Johh Martin