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AARP AARP States Rhode Island

Speak Out on Lowering Prescription Drug Prices

Enough is Enough in Rhode Island! Tell the RI Senate Health and Human Services Committee to stop letting drug companies price gauge seniors and hardworking families.

Please join us on March 5th at 4:30 pm at the hearing on bills that would lower the price of prescription drugs. You can tell your quick story about how the high cost of drugs has affected you or someone you know. Or you can simply come to support our cause.

No one should have to choose between food and medicine, yet 40% of older Americans are concerned they have to make that choice because of the high cost of prescription medication. It’s time for our elected officials to work together and pass legislation to lower prescription drug prices.Tell the RI Senate Health and Human Services Committee (HHS) to stand up to the pharmaceutical industry and approve legislation to lower the price of prescription drugs.

REGISTER NOW for the March 5th hearing now so we can provide additional information on the specific bills and free shuttle service to and from our AARP-RI Office and the State House. Once you register, an AARP-RI staff member will be in touch.

At recent AARP Community Conversations throughout the state, we invited legislators. We drew large crowds wherever we went and heard many stories. Attendees told us they have had to choose between groceries and RX drugs while others said they have split pills to make supplies last. Others expressed pharmacy sticker shock when charged $400 or more for a month’s supply.

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Americans pay the highest prices in the world. Brand-name drugs used most commonly by older adults increased an average 8.4 % in 2017, compared to a 1.2% inflation rate. The pharmaceutical industry drives up the cost of prescription drugs by spending nearly $30 billion each year on advertising to consumers and doctors.


When: Thursday March 5th, 2020 at 4:30 pm
Where: State House in the Senate Lounge on the 2nd floor in back of the Senate chamber
RSVP: Register before Tuesday March 3rd to obtain additional information on the hearing.

We look forward to seeing you at the State House on March 5th at 4:30 pm — and don't forget to REGISTER right now if you're able to join us!

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To become an AARP Rhode Island #StopRxGreed advocacy volunteer, email Darlene Reza Rossi or call now at 401-248-2674.

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