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AARP AARP States Rhode Island Volunteering

Volunteering with AARP Rhode Island

It's Where the Action Is. And Fun, Too

Get involved, take a stand, meet new people. From the State House to our neighborhoods, we work together to improve the lives of Rhode Islanders 50-plus. And we have a great time doing it.

Miss AARP Rhode Island's March 11 State House Legislative Reception? You can watch the event on Capitol TV.

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Congratulations, Marcus Mittchell, winner of our 2024 Ethel Percy Andrus Award for Community Service! Read the story and view Andrus Awards luncheon photos.

Join An AARP Volunteer Team Today

Fill out this short online interest form and you'll hear from us right away.

Fight for People 50-Plus on Smith Hill: Our committed Advocacy Team pushes for state legislation to create affordable, accessible housing, support caregivers, improve long-term care, lower the cost of prescription medicines, set up new retirement savings options and more.

Deliver Community Presentations: Do you enjoy public speaking and greeting people? Our Speaker’s Bureau conducts AARP presentations in community – both in-person and virtually – on such topics as Fraud Watch, Prepare to Care, Social Security and Six Pillars of Brain Health.

Produce Virtual Programs: Our tech-savvy Virtual Program Production Team runs the Zoom platform for our exciting online programming, welcome attendees, take attendance and put resources in the chat box. If you have mastered the Zoom platform (or are eager to learn), we need you.

Represent AARP Rhode Island at Community Events: Our Engagement Team travels to health and senior resource fairs and partner agency conferences throughout the state to share AARP’s trusted information and resources with the public. If you enjoy meeting new people, this could be for you.

Make a Local Impact: Join our Livable Communities Team and work with local governments and community leaders to make Age-Friendly improvements to cities and towns throughout the state. Learn about existing efforts in Bristol, Cranston, Newport, Providence, Westerly and other communities.

Tell Our Story: Have a background or interest in communications? Our Communications Team writes blog posts, articles and letters-to-the-editor for local newspapers and hyper-local web sites, enhances our social media presence, and more.

Keep Our Volunteers Organized: Tech-savvy volunteers work closely with AARP Rhode Island office staff to help our volunteer teams communicate with each other, keep their assignments up-to-date, access resources and fill out expense reports.

Driver Safety Training: Become part of the safe-driving solution in your community. Join AARP Driver Safety as a volunteer to organize and teach in classrooms in community centers, libraries and other venues near you.

Tax-Aide: AARP Foundation Tax-Aide is looking for compassionate, friendly people to join our team for the 2025 tax season. Neighbors like you help prepare returns or serve in other ways, such as organizing client paperwork, managing computer equipment, acting as interpreters, or making sure everything runs smoothly. 

Our New State President


AARP Rhode Island State Director Catherine Taylor takes great pleasure in announcing the appointment of Elizabeth Howlett as State President.

“We are delighted that Elizabeth has stepped into this key volunteer leadership position,” Taylor said. “Her experience, her expertise, her distinguished leadership history, and her passion for our mission make her an outstanding choice. Read more, watch videos.

About AARP Rhode Island
Contact information and more from your state office. Learn what we are doing to champion social change and help you live your best life.