Protect youself and your family from identity thiefs! Bring your boxes or bags of documents, bank statements, credit card junk mail, etc. and watch it shredded at our free shredding days in South Burlington and Rutland. Please, no more than three boxes or bags per person. Paper clips and staples don't need to be removed.
With romance scammers using the Internet to rob Americans of an estimated $81 million per year, AARP’s Fraud Watch Network today called on the online dating industry to institute new safeguards to better protect their users. AARP Vermont is inviting its members and the general public to become involved in the national campaign by signing an online petition.
Take a father, grandfather or grandchild out to the ballpark on Father's Day! AARP has made 100 free tickets available for the June 21 game against the Lowell Spinners! Tickets are available only after June 1. Call 802-655-6611 or stop by the box office at Centennial Field in Burlington -- after June 1.
Witho ut a doubt, the Vermont Gas pipeline project has stirred up plenty of controversy. There’s environmental impact challenges, troubling property rights issues and even the fracking debate, but little has been said about who is paying the freight on this monumental undertaking. Current ratepayers! Over the next 35 years, ratepayers will have to pony up over $270 million in additional rates to pay for what is now at least a $153 million endeavor. All of this is justified by a claim that the overall public good is being served. That rationale is questionable at best.
Every day another older Vermonter is ripped off by a telephone, Internet or mail scam. Aggressive scam artists are targeting seniors across the country to the tune of billions! Find out how you can recognize a con, protect yourself and avoid becoming the next victim.
Nearly 700 residents of Orleans County, including over 300 from Newport, responded to a citywide survey of livability needs and issues spotlighting a number of key findings as the city works towards becoming more “age friendly”. The findings will help inform the work of the Newport Age Friendly Advisory Council as they formulate recommendations and develop an action plan moving forward. The areas of focus in the survey centered on the following:
Please help AARP improve access to voting for people of all ages. We need your voice! Please contact your Senator (800-322-5616) and ask him or her to vote for the Same-Day Voter Registration legislation (S.29) so that eligible voters can register to vote on Election Day.