AARP Eye Center
Every day hundreds of Vermonters lose some of their hard-earned money to fraud. To strike back against scammers, U.S. Sen. Patrick Leahy (D) is joining forces with AARP Vermont and the state Office of the Attorney General for a Scam Jam in Rutland on Tuesday, Nov. 15.
Presenters will describe the latest scams and offer tips that consumers can use to protect themselves and their families.
“The best defense against scammers is to be informed,” said Dave Reville, a spokesman for AARP Vermont.
The free event will be at the Rutland Country Club from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Lunch will be provided, and reservations are required. To register, go to or call 877-926-8300 toll-free. You can also sign up for watchdog alerts at