AARP Eye Center

If you were asked to describe the difference between a national organization and a nationwide organization, what might your response be?
For AARP it means not only producing great tools and resources through our national office, but also having an on-the-ground presence in communities all across our country.
For example, did you know that AARP has 53 offices located in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and both Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands? Did you know that in Wisconsin alone we have hundreds of activities each year around fraud protection, livable communities, financial security, caregiving, driver safety, and tax preparation services – just to name a few?
The reality is that there is likely an event, program or volunteer opportunity in your community that can connect you with the latest information you need to make important decisions in your life, whether you’re preparing for retirement, still raising a family or looking for your “what’s next” opportunity.
In Wisconsin we’re joining events in dozens of cities, towns, and villages each year at fairs, festivals, conferences, concerts, ballgames, and many other venues where local partners and AARP share important resources while having a lot of fun in the process!
We’re also hosting events of our own, such as Money Matters, Financial Freedom, AARP On Tap, AARP Lobby Days, and others that bring AARP closer into focus for our members and individuals of all ages.
If you haven’t had a chance yet to connect locally with AARP, we hope you will take a look at our activities in this 2016 Annual Review and see if there is an opportunity for us to build a stronger relationship with you.
You can also all the ways we’re partnering with Wisconsinites to disrupt aging across the state and create a new paradigm of aging for future generations.