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AARP AARP States Wisconsin

2023 Year In Review

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We're taking a look back at all the great things we accomplished in 2023, we:

  • Got communities out walking for social connection & improvements in health through our Walk With a Doc, Walk with an Eagle, and Pedestrian Dignity programs.
  • Supported the Amani neighborhood in Milwaukee in their efforts to install a traffic calming circle, slowing the average speed by 31% in that area.
  • Invested $94,300 in communities across the state through our Community Challenge Grant and Small Dollar, Big Impact program.
  • Helped enact a law to reduce prescription drug costs and expand access to medications; pushed back against utility rate hikes; advocated for support for family caregivers; and met with members of Congress to discuss the importance of Social Security.
  • Supported our volunteers as they testified at every state budget hearing
  • Mobilized our members & advocates around key issues, resulting in 6,158 messages being sent to legislators
  • Hosted 181 events, reaching nearly 6,000 Wisconsinites with free programming about issues like Social Security, Pedestrian Dignity, High Speed Internet, Fraud Prevention, and more!

Thanks for making 2023 a great year!

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