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AARP AARP States Wisconsin

Ask Candidates How They Would Boost High-Speed Internet Skills & Support

Senior couple with pill bottles browsing internet on laptop at home. Horizontal shot.

One of the most important facets of our society is the internet. In today’s world, it is almost impossible to do anything without using a computer or your phone. Whether it be surfing the web, ordering groceries, or scheduling healthcare appointments, so many individuals rely on the internet for everyday activities.

Oftentimes it is assumed that everyone has access to the internet and functioning technology. However, that is far from the truth. In Wisconsin, there are nearly 400,000 individuals without access to a computer. Even if someone does own a computer, there is a 6.5% chance that theybstill do not have access to the internet, and a 24% chance that they will not be able to get good enough service for their internet to function.

Not having access to the internet presents numerous problems for our 50+ population. In times where individuals are still tentative to gather in large groups, the internet provides a pathway to safe and efficient communication.

Over the past two years, loved ones have learned to keep in touch with one another through video calls, skype messages, social media posts, and more. However, when one does not have access to the internet, it isolates them from being able to utilize these services.

The internet also provides an important platform where people can keep up with the news and manage their daily lives. Unless individuals have access to the internet and possess the skills required to navigate it, they will be unable to carry out essential daily tasks such as scheduling doctors’ appointments and checking their medical records. It is unfair that the access to these services is disproportionate across the state.

While Wisconsin has been making major advances in high-speed internet over the past few years, more needs to be done to help Wisconsinites, especially our 50+ population, with gaining the essential skills and support.

Next time you see a candidate for office, ask them this question:

What would you do to make sure older Wisconsinites have the skills and support they need for High-Speed Internet?

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