AARP Eye Center

AARP recently hosted a series of tele-town halls with members of congress. These events focused on the Cornovirus pandemic, with questions from constituents about stimulus checks, unemployment benefits, and issues like food availability. You can listen to the full recordings of these calls below.
Representative Ron Kind (April 21, 2020)
Listen to the full recording here
Senator Tammy Baldwin (April 27, 2020)
Listen to the full recording here
- Congress will continue to explore options for providing assistance to people who have lost income during this virus outbreak to put food on their tables.
- The Senator reminds us all to please follow the public health guidelines and check in on isolated or vulnerable loved ones during this difficult time.
Representative Bryan Steil (April 29, 2020)
Listen to the full recording here
- Representative Steil said safety in nursing homes during the coronavirus outbreak is a front-of-mind priority for lawmakers right now, and testing needs to be ramped up at the state level
- According to Representative Steil, Congress needs to continue oversight to make sure WI's small businesses have access to the Paycheck Protection Program so they can survive during these uncharted waters created by the coronavirus.
Representative Gallagher and DWD Secreatry Frostman (April 29, 2020)
Listen to the full recording here
- Efforts are underway to help struggling farmers, food banks and those who need greater access to food security programs during this pandemic, Representative Gallagher said
Representative Mark Pocan (May 4, 2020)
Listen to the full recording here
- Wisconsin is the poster child for why you don’t want to have an election during a pandemic, which is why absentee balloting will be so important going forward, Representative Pocan said
- According to Pocan, increased testing and contact tracing will put Wisconsin in a much better place to open safely once the safer-at-home order is lifted.
- "It’s time to stock up on compassion and patience rather than toilet paper. We can get through this pandemic together!"
Representative Gwen Moore (May 6, 2020)
Listen to the full recording here
- We need to make widespread testing and contact tracing a priority if we want to get ahead of this coronavirus, Representative Gwen Moore said
- Representative Moore warned listeners to be on the lookout for scam artists during this pandemic. If you get emails look suspiciously fraudulent, forward them to the IRS at