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AARP AARP States Wisconsin

Take Action: Make Your Voice Heard

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AARP Wisconsin is in your corner. We're committed to ensuring you have the tools you need to make your legislators aware of key issues.

Check back on this page for updates as new legislation is introduced & new action alerts become available.

Contact your Congressional Representative: Support Priority Issues

We are working to make members of Congress aware of our key federal priorities and we need your help. Check out our priorities below for questions to ask your representative.

Family Caregiving
Wisconsin’s 580,000 Caregivers need support providing care and keeping up with out-of-pocket costs.

  • ASK: Congressman/woman _______, Have you ever been a caregiver for a loved one?
  • Will you join the bipartisan Assisting Caregivers Today (ACT) Caucus to support solutions to support caregivers?

Prescription Drugs
The costs of prescription drugs can be a lot and even break the budgets of aging & retired Wisconsinites.

  • ASK: Congressman/woman _______, Are you cosponsoring any specific bills on prescription drugs?

Social Security Administration (SSA) Funding
Social Security is a benefit for all seniors who have worked to earn and when they currently call for assistance, they are met with long waiting processes.

  • ASK: Congressman/woman _______, Will you support additional funding for customer service improvement and hold the SSA accountable?

Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)
The EITC is a great tax advantage for working Wisconsinites rewarding work.

  • ASK: Congressman/woman _______, Are you willing to support eliminating the discriminatory age cap of 65 so older Wisconsinites that may still be working can benefit from this tax cut?

Funding for the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP)
Communities across Wisconsin still lack access to affordable high-speed internet.

  • ASK: Congressman/woman _______, Will you support funding for the ACP program which expires later this year?

About AARP Wisconsin
Contact information and more from your state office. Learn what we are doing to champion social change and help you live your best life.