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AARP AARP States Wisconsin

Urge Your Legislators to Support Caregiver Tax Credit


Wisconsin’s nearly 600,000 unpaid family caregivers – a group that we refer to as the state’s unsung heroes for giving up so much of their own time and money to help loved ones remain in their own homes as long as possible – will receive much-needed support if state legislators get behind the governor’s plan to create a $500 family caregiver tax credit.

Governor Evers is proposing to spend part of the state surplus to create a nonrefundable caregiver tax credit for qualified expenses incurred by a family caregiver to assist a qualified family member. Legislation supporting this credit has had bipartisan support in the past, as caregiving is an issue that impacts all Wisconsinites at some point in their lives.

Wisconsin legislators will be holding a special session on March 8th which is why we need you to contact your state Senators and Representatives today to help give these caregivers some relief. Click this link and send a message to your legislators urging them to support the caregiver tax credit.

The caregiver tax credit would not only help caregivers, but would save the state money on long-term care by investing in caregivers and keeping older Wisconsinites at home instead of relying on state-funded programs.

Many state lawmakers say they understand and appreciate all the tasks that family caregivers perform on a daily basis. Now it’s time for them to put money where their mouths are.

Each year, Wisconsin’s unpaid family caregivers provide about 538 million hours of care to their parents, spouses, partners, and other adult loved ones. In addition, they spend an average of $7,000 per year on out-of-pocket costs related to caregiving. They provide this care while also keeping up with their own jobs, running their own households and trying to make ends meet.

Unpaid family caregivers take on huge responsibilities that can be overwhelming, stressful and exhausting. They help loved ones with tasks such as giving baths, dispensing medications, preparing meals, paying bills, and providing transportation to doctor’s appointments.

The $500 tax credit could be used to help offset some of the expenses these caregivers incur, such as installing ramps or safety bars to keep their loved ones safe. Small investments in caregivers right now will lead to big savings for Wisconsin and much better care for families down the road. This credit helps all ages and all generations.

Wisconsin’s nearly 600,000 unpaid family caregivers – a group that we refer to as the state’s unsung heroes for giving up so much of their own time and money to help loved ones remain in their own homes as long as possible – will receive much-needed support if state legislators get behind the governor’s plan to create a $500 family caregiver tax credit.

Governor Evers is proposing to spend part of the state surplus to create a nonrefundable caregiver tax credit for qualified expenses incurred by a family caregiver to assist a qualified family member. Legislation supporting this credit has had bipartisan support in the past, as caregiving is an issue that impacts all Wisconsinites at some point in their lives.

Wisconsin legislators will be holding a special session on March 8th which is why we need you to contact your state Senators and Representatives today to help give these caregivers some relief. Click this link and send a message to your legislators urging them to support the caregiver tax credit.

The caregiver tax credit would not only help caregivers, but would save the state money on long-term care by investing in caregivers and keeping older Wisconsinites at home instead of relying on state-funded programs.

Many state lawmakers say they understand and appreciate all the tasks that family caregivers perform on a daily basis. Now it’s time for them to put money where their mouths are.

Each year, Wisconsin’s unpaid family caregivers provide about 538 million hours of care to their parents, spouses, partners, and other adult loved ones. In addition, they spend an average of $7,000 per year on out-of-pocket costs related to caregiving. They provide this care while also keeping up with their own jobs, running their own households and trying to make ends meet.

Unpaid family caregivers take on huge responsibilities that can be overwhelming, stressful and exhausting. They help loved ones with tasks such as giving baths, dispensing medications, preparing meals, paying bills, and providing transportation to doctor’s appointments.

The $500 tax credit could be used to help offset some of the expenses these caregivers incur, such as installing ramps or safety bars to keep their loved ones safe. Small investments in caregivers right now will lead to big savings for Wisconsin and much better care for families down the road. This credit helps all ages and all generations.

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