AARP Eye Center

You may have heard that Governor Evers issued an Executive Order, suspending in-person voting for the Spring Election.
Due to various legal challenges, the Governor's Executive Order has been overturned and in-person voting for the Wisconsin Spring election will take place TODAY on Tuesday, April 7th.
What about absentee ballots? If you have not already returned your absentee ballot, all absentee ballots must be postmarked by TODAY, April 7, 2020 and be received by your local clerk by 4 p.m. on April 13 OR they must be hand-delivered to local clerks by 8 p.m. today.
For the most up-to-date information, you can visit these resources:
- WI Elections Commission -
- MyVote Wisconsin -
- Top 10 Things Voters Should Know about the April 7 Spring Election and Presidential Primary (WI Elections Commission)
Our top priority is to ensure that all Wisconsinites are able to vote as safely and easily as possible. Stay healthy and well informed because your vote matters!