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AARP AARP States New Mexico About AARP

About AARP New Mexico, Contacts

AARP New Mexico is working right here in our state to help individuals reach their full potential no matter their age. For some people, reaching age 50 isn’t about slowing down. It’s about shaping their future into their best life ever.

AARP’s presence in New Mexico is just about that. We work in local communities to make sure senior services are adequately funded. Our staff and volunteers work with our elected officials and community leaders to advocate for policies that help make people's lives better.

We work to ensure that our neighborhoods, cities and communities are livable so people can stay in place, at home, as they age. We do this by making sure there is adequate public transportation services; affordable housing; social participation; and nearby health services.

AARP New Mexico also visits communities across the state conducting events and forums on topics important to you and your family such as strengthening Medicare and Social Security for the future and helping people protect their finances by avoiding scams and fraud. And we provide resources to help with financial planning whether an individual is still working or moving toward retirement.

We make available access to products, services and discounts and fight for consumer protections so people can save real money for themselves and their families— and turn their dream of a better future into reality.

The AARP New Mexico State Office is located in Albuquerque, at 4400 Masthead St. NE, STE 120, 87109. Our toll-free number is 1-866-389-5636. The State Office can also be e-mailed at

AARP staff members:

Joseph P. Roybal-Sanchez, State Director – 505-946-3604 or

Juniper Looker, Senior Business Operations Analyst – 505-946-3602 or

Othiamba Umi, Associate State Director for Advocacy – 505-946-3603 or

Beth Velasquez, Associate State Director for Communications – 505-946-3605 or

Shanna Lapsley, Associate State Director for Community Outreach – 505-946-3608 or

Gary Williams, Associate State Director for Community Outreach – 505-946-3601 or

The state office also includes an advisory board, made up of volunteers and the state director, called the Executive Council. It is chaired by AARP New Mexico State President Christian Halstead. He can be reached at


About AARP New Mexico
Contact information and more from your state office. Learn what we are doing to champion social change and help you live your best life.