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AARP AARP States Alabama Money

AARP Alabama offers free tax help again this year.

Tom DeLong

Tax season is here, and AARP Alabama and the AARP Foundation are again providing free tax assistance and preparation for taxpayers through the AARP Foundation Tax-Aide program.

AARP Foundation Tax-Aide, in its 48th year, is the nation’s largest free tax assistance and preparation service, giving special attention to the older population. However, it is not necessary to be a retiree or an AARP member to utilize this free service.

AARP Foundation Tax-Aide sites in Alabama will be open starting Feb. 1 through April 15. For more information on documentation required for tax filing, or to locate an AARP Foundation Tax-Aide site, visit or call 1-888-AARP-NOW (1-888-227-7669).

Tax-Aide is offered at 41 sites in Alabama this year, including senior centers, libraries, churches and other convenient locations, in conjunction with the IRS. AARP Foundation Tax-Aide volunteers are trained and IRS-certified each year to ensure their knowledge of revisions to the U.S. tax code.

“AARP Foundation’s Tax-Aide program provides a very valuable service for those who need it most,” said Tom DeLong, AARP Alabama State Coordinator for Tax-Aide. “Our clients get knowledgeable assistance from trained volunteers without concern for cost.”

Last year in Alabama, more than 300 AARP Foundation Tax-Aide volunteers helped more than 20,000 Alabamians file their federal and state income tax returns.

Nationwide in 2014, AARP Foundation Tax-Aide’s 35,195 volunteers at 5,408 sites provided 2.6 million people with free tax help. Taxpayers who used AARP Foundation Tax-Aide received $1.39 billion in income tax refunds

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