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AARP AARP States Alabama

It's time to Stop Rx Greed and lower prescription drug prices!

Make a difference and TAKE ACTION TODAY!
Americans pay the highest brand-names prices in the world. For more than a decade, brand named drug prices have exceeded inflation. One in three Americans has not taken a medication as prescribed by their doctor due to the cost. Prescription drugs don’t work if patients can’t afford them.

AARP is calling on the President, Congress and state governments to stop Rx Greed and cut drug prices through commonsense solutions. You can join the campaign several ways:
  • Click here to Tell Congress to Stop Rx Greed and cut drug prices now!
  • Share your story of why lowering prescription drug prices matters to you.
  • Visit for more about the policy issues and advocacy campaign.
  • Join the discussion on social media with the hashtag #StopRxGreed.

Tell Congress to Stop Rx Greed and cut drug prices now

It's time for Congress to take action to protect seniors and all taxpayers from price gouging by drug companies. Tell your legislators to support commonsense solutions to lower prescription drug prices today!

'Stop Rx Greed' News in Alabama
AARP Alabama State Director Candi Williams released the following statement today, applauding Representative Terri Sewell of the U.S. House of Representatives for voting to pass H.R. 3, the Elijah E. Cummings Lower Drug Costs Now Act.
It’s well known that prescription drug prices are skyrocketing in America. Price increases for brand name drugs have far exceeded the rate of inflation since at least 2006, according to AARP’s Rx Price Watch report. And the average annual cost for just one brand name drug taken on a chronic basis was about $6,800 in 2017, almost $1,000 more than in 2015. However, it’s not just patients paying for greedy Big Pharma practices that help keep drug prices high— it’s also taxpayers.
AARP Alabama Shows Impact of Skyrocketing Drug Prices on Alabamians with New Data and Infographic
For decades, big pharmaceutical companies have raised drug prices with impunity. Here in Alabama, the average annual cost of brand name prescription drug treatment increased 58% between 2012 and 2017...

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