AARP Eye Center
For over a year, AARP has been asking the presidential candidates to #TakeAStand on preserving and protecting Social Security for the long-term. Presidential leadership is required on this issue, and we will continue to press for detailed answers. Without that leadership, future recipients could be looking at benefit cuts of up to 25%.
Because this issue affects more than 1 million Alabamians, and our population is aging faster than the United States as a whole, it is particularly urgent for us. We've put together some facts on how Social Security impacts the Alabama economy, as well as the individuals who receive these earned benefits.
- Social Security currently pays $15.9 billion in benefits to Alabamians.
- A 25% cut in benefits today translates to about $4 billion less in the pockets of Alabamians.
- That loss of $4 billion in benefits could result in about $6.6 billion less in economic activity in our state, and almost 40,000 fewer jobs.
Read more: economic-fact-sheet-alabama
Learn about the Social Security policies of the presidential candidates in their own words at