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AARP AARP States Alabama Livable Communities

Volunteer with River Region Trails in Montgomery's Cloverdale Neighborhood

Recently, River Region Trails was awarded an AARP Community Challenge Grant to help pay for a pop-up trail in the Cloverdale neighborhood in Montgomery. Now they are looking for volunteers to help bring the pop-up trail to life.

Pop-up trails are temporary demonstrations of what future permanent
pedestrian infrastructure installations could look and feel like. This pop-up
will add a separated pedestrian lane on College St. and Cloverdale Road.
The lane will be wide enough for multiple recreation uses including walking, biking, running, scooters, One-Wheels, etc. Painted markings on the Felder Road and Fairview Avenue sidewalks will connect those two streets to create a 2-mile loop for users.

River Region Trails is working with the City of Montgomery’s Public Works
and Traffic Engineering departments to install the pedestrian lanes, which
will be painted and will have lane dividers to make the pedestrian lanes
obvious to drivers and safer for participants. Pop-up trails give pedestrians
safe lanes for recreating and moving through their neighborhood, and they can act as a traffic calming mechanism. River Regions Trails hopes this pop-up trail demonstrates that it’s possible for streets to be both safe and efficient.

Volunteers needed!

You and your group or organization can volunteer to bring this pop-up trail to life in fun and colorful ways.

Paint Crosswalks
One way an organization can get involved is to claim a sidewalk crossing that will elevate the look and user experience while on the trail. River Region Trails will provide paint and materials for the crosswalks and would like them to be installed the week of the event.

Stencil & Create the Trail
Trail Marking - A team of volunteers is needed on the week of the event to help mark the trail route with painted foot prints and other designs.

Barrier Decorating - River Region Trails will be setting up lane barriers in areas of high traffic and they want them to seamlessly blend into the trail. They are looking for volunteers to come out and help decorate them so they can be identified as part of the trail and not simply traffic barriers.

How Can You Get Involved?

Pop-up trails succeed when the larger community comes together to make the project more than just painted lanes on a neighborhood street. They open up opportunities to create unique gathering spots or points of interest along the trail. River Region Trails and the City of Montgomery are looking for community groups to help with ‘pop-up’ art installations, pop-up parks, market days, and other events while the pop-up trail is up. To learn more about how your community group can get involved please contact River Region Trails at

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