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AARP AARP States Alaska

Build your financial fitness

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Ensure a comfortable retirement and safeguard your financial legacy. Explore retirement planning and risk mitigation to secure your future and leave a lasting impact for generations to come.

We'll navigate the intricate world of personal finance, equipping you with the knowledge and tools needed to achieve lasting financial fitness.

All sessions are virtual and held over Zoom. They will also be recorded for later viewing on our On-Demand page.

Part 1: Retiring? What you need to know about Social Security and MedicareFriday, April 19th, 2024, 10 am (Zoom)
Join AARP Alaska to learn what you need to know before you retire: How much money do you need to retire? When do you need to sign up for Medicare? How much money will you get from Social Security? When should you retire? Get the answers to these questions and more. Register

Part 2: Top Five Scams in Alaska - How to Protect Yourself – Friday, April 26th, 2024, 10 am (Zoom)
Join AARP Alaska and our fraud experts to learn what scams are currently happening in Alaska and what you can do to protect your savings. Learn how to proactively spot scams, get guidance from our fraud specialists and find out how you can help others from being scammed. Register

Part 3: Caregivers:  What You Need to Know About Wills, Trusts, and Power of Attorney – Friday, May 3, 2024, 10 am
Caregivers, join AARP Alaska and Alaska Legal Services attorney to learn what you need to know about legal documents before you have to make financial, medical and other legal decisions for your loved one. Get a checklist of the items caregivers and all adults should complete. Register

 Part 4: Retiring as an Alaska State Employee – Friday, May 10th, 2024, 10 am
Join AARP Alaska and a state employee retirement specialist to learn about retiring as a state employee. What do I need to know about PERS/TRS and retiring? What is the difference between defined benefit and defined contribution? Should I do a supplemental annuity plan? When do I need to start the retirement process? What are the benefits for state retirees besides income? Register

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Recordings may be viewed below:

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