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AARP AARP States Alaska Advocacy

Weekly Advocacy Report - Jan 23

by Ken Helander, AARP Alaska

Ken Helander, Director of Advocacy, AARP Alaska
Ken Helander

Federal Advocacy

  • AARP has been working hard through the constant stream of Congressional issues that would affect our members.  Of current concern are potential cuts to Medicare services, including placing caps on therapy services (physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy) which could be quickly exceeded by a person with chronic needs or extensive post-surgery rehab.  AARP opposes these caps that could significantly increase a Medicare beneficiary's out of pocket expenses.

State Advocacy

  • AARP Alaska supports SB 63, providing for a statewide smoke-free workplace.  The bill is important to communities across the state which do not have local power to implement this type of regulation.  There is widespread public and legislative support for the bill, which has already passed the Senate, and was heard yesterday in the House Judiciary Committee, which is expected to vote on it tomorrow (January 24).

Local Advocacy

  • AARP Vice President of State Advocacy and Strategy Integration, Elaine Ryan, delivered a keynote address to the Alaska Public Health Association's annual Summit last Wednesday.  She discussed the Long Term Services and Supports Scorecard and how Alaska can improve its rankings.

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