AARP Eye Center

Get fit and have fun in the New Year with free online Zumba classes featuring popular instructor Robin Bush.
AARP Hawai`i’s Zumba Gold online exercise classes are on Thursdays at 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. starting Jan. 12 through Feb. 25.
Roberta “Robin” Bush, a certified Zumba instructor who teaches at the city parks with the Department and Parks and Recreation, will lead the classes. She says her passion is motivating older people to keep moving with joy.
To register to get a Zoom link for the Zumba classes, go to or the AARP Facebook page and search for the Upcoming Events tab. The classes are free and you do not have to be an AARP member to sign up. But you must pre-register to participate.
Classes are modified for active older adults, but participants should consult their physician before starting any new exercise program.