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AARP AARP States Hawaii

AARP Hawai`i Sponsors Makana Concert to Fight Kupuna Hunger

Slack-key guitar master Makana will perform a free online concert, sponsored by AARP Hawai`i, to raise awareness about solutions to kupuna hunger. The concert can be seen on a Zoom link and simulcast on the AARP Hawai`i Facebook page on Friday, Oct. 30 at 6 p.m.

A recent AARP survey found that music is good for your brain and feeds your soul,” said Keali`i Lopez, AARP Hawai`i State Director. “People who listen to music are more likely to report that their health and brain health are excellent or very good. They are also less likely to report that they have anxiety or depression. That’s why we are putting on a virtual concert – to encourage everyone to experience the benefits of music, even when we can’t go to large concerts because of COVID-19.”

In addition to enjoying a free concert, AARP invites attendees to learn about resources available to kupuna who need food assistance.

The concert is open to anyone of any age. You don’t have to be an AARP member to participate. Go to or the AARP Hawai`i Facebook page and click on Upcoming Events to see all of AARP’s virtual offerings and to register and get a Zoom link for the free concert.

Those who register for the concert can enter a drawing for a $100 gift certificate to purchase locally-grown food. Five winners will be selected at random during the concert. The contest is limited to legal residents or citizens of the United States, 18 years and older. No purchase is necessary and you must be watching the concert to win and indicate your acceptance in the Zoom chat or Facebook Live comments. A link to the contest rules is available as part of the registration process. Winners will be contacted by telephone and email to confirm where to send the prize.

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