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AARP AARP States Idaho Caregiving

AARP Volunteers Head to Capitol to Support Family Caregivers


Boise, Idaho - On Tuesday, February 7, more than 100 volunteers and staff will head to Boise to

advocate on behalf of AARP members and all older Idahoans on the crucial issue of Family

Caregiving. While meeting with members of the legislature, these volunteers and staff will ask

lawmakers to support family caregivers by passing a concurrent resolution to support the Idaho

Caregiver Action Plan introduced in the House Health and Welfare Committee last week.

“Most of us have been or will be a family caregiver, or will need help to live independently.

And, since family caregivers make up the backbone of services for most people, we need more

solutions that help support those who give care and the people they care for” said Francoise

Cleveland, AARP Idaho Director of Advocacy. “We expect this ageless, nonpartisan issue to

continue to grow in importance.”

In Idaho, at any given time, 200,000 family caregivers provide unpaid care for their loved ones

valued at $2 billion annually. In recent years, about 40 million family caregivers in the nation

have provided unpaid care valued at $470 billion annually, more than total Medicaid spending.

Family caregivers also help delay or prevent more costly institutional care and unnecessary

hospitalizations, saving taxpayer dollars. They help with daily activities including bathing,

dressing, meal preparation, managing medications, and transportation.

Lobby Day participants will have an opportunity to speak with legislators, enjoy lunch at the

Capitol rotunda and share their caregiving story.

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