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AARP AARP States Idaho

FTC Joins AARP Idaho for Telephone Town Hall

Chuck Harwood from the Federal Trade Commission will provide updates on consumer protection issues, fraud prevention tips, current trends happening in Idaho as well as answer your specific questions.

Chuck Harwood, Director NW Region, Federal Trade Commission

Two-thirds of adults in the United States believe fraud has hit a crisis level, according to a  AARP Fraud Watch Network report.

The new report also highlights the methods criminals use to steal money, such as cryptocurrency, gift cards and peer-to-peer payment apps. The findings suggest the need for Americans to share what they know about scams with their friends and family.

In order to raise awareness, share information and protect Idahoans from con-artists, AARP Idaho will hold a statewide interactive telephone town with the Federal Trade Commission.

The statewide town hall is scheduled for Wednesday, July 31 and begins at 1pm MT.

Participants can join by dialing toll-free 866-767-0637 or listening to the live stream on the AARP Idaho Facebook page.

The Federal Trade Commission is a consumer protection and antitrust law enforcement agency. The FTC files cases asking courts to stop illegal practices, impose civil fines, and refund money to consumers and businesses. It educates consumers and businesses about the laws, about current scams, and about strategies for protecting themselves.  The FTC collect millions of complaints every year, which we share with other law enforcement agencies and use to analyze fraud trends.    

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