AARP Eye Center
AARP Idaho has selected Gini Woodward of Bonners Ferry to receive the 2020 Andrus Award for Community Service. This represents the Association’s most prestigious and visible state volunteer award for community service. The award is a symbol of the power of individuals to make a difference in the lives of others and at the heart of everything AARP does.
AARP Idaho chose Mrs. Woodward because of her remarkable spirit and civic commitment, which has benefited the Bonners Ferry community while supporting AARP’s vision and mission and inspiring others to volunteer.
In addition to the award, AARP Idaho will make a $2,000 donation to the non-profit organization of Gini’s choice.
Karen Samter of Bonners Ferry nominated Gini for the award. “Gini is a person who leads by example. She is excited about her volunteer work, and through her excitement encourages others to participate,” said Samter. “Through her encouragement the organizations Gini works with are able to provide a structure through which others can volunteer.”
“My personal philosophy is that we are all part of one world and that by giving of myself and my skills, as long as I am able, I am helping to make the world a better place,” said Mrs. Woodward.
Gini volunteers between 20 – 30 hours a week incorporating several roles for the Community Coalition for Families including treasurer, grant writer, executive board member and arranging speakers and activities for monthly meetings. She also works with Boundary County Backpacks helping provide weekend supplemental food for 150 school-age children in the community.
Other organizations benefiting from Gini’s volunteerism include the National Alliance on Mental Illness, Boundary County Community Guardians, Boundary County Fair, Area Agency on Aging and at Valley View elementary school where she volunteers as a teacher’s assistant with the kindergarten class.
In addition, Gini’s work with the Community Coalition for Families, in coordination with the local food bank and other charitable organizations, has helped provide funding for emergency housing and transportation subsidies to over 200 local families in need in just the past two years.
“This award acts as a symbol to the public that we can all work together for positive social change,” said AARP Idaho state director Lupe Wissel. “AARP has long valued the spirit of volunteerism and the important contributions volunteers make to their communities, neighbors, and the programs they serve.”
The award will be formally presented during a virtual ceremony on September 30th.
Recipients across the nation were chosen for their ability to enhance the lives of AARP members and prospective members, improve the community in or for which the work was performed, and inspire others to volunteer.