AARP Eye Center

The U.S. Senate is considering a measure to deny states the flexibility they need to set up retirement savings options if they so choose. House Joint Resolution 66 repeals an important Department of Labor rule providing guidance to states desiring to work with small business owners to set up retirement savings programs for their employees.
AARP Idaho will be hosting Idaho Treasurer Ron Crane to discuss this and other important financial topics through Facebook live. This will be an interactive conversation examining retirement assets, Social Security and Idaho’s role to encourage private savings.
This half hour conversation begins April 20, 2:30 p.m. MTN on the AARP Idaho Facebook page at Viewers are encouraged to comment and ask questions.
“This is a serious matter given that over half of working Idahoans do not have a way to save for retirement at work through a 401k or other plans,” said advocacy director Francoise Cleveland. “We are strongly urging Idaho’s U.S. Senators to let HJR 66 die and look forward to speaking with Treasurer Crane about alternative solutions to give every Idaho worker the opportunity to save for their retirement.”