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Join Us for the Three Bs of Music - The Broader View!

There’s an expression in the classical music world, “The Three Bs”, and it refers to Bach, Beethoven, and Brahms. But this is a broader, modernized version of that esteemed list, and there’s been a “small” substitution. These “Three Bs” are Bach, Beethoven and The Beatles. Why do The Beatles deserve to be in this lofty club of musical pioneers? Simple. They, like the others, changed the course of the music to follow. Join us. Find out why they deserve to be in the company of other greats.

Close-Up Of Cello
Mohamad Ridzuan Abdul Rashid / E/Getty Images/EyeEm

You're invited to one session or all three. Either way you'll learn something new and listen to music in a new and exciting way.


Your instructor on this Journey is internationally recognized and award winning musician Barry Wiesenfeld. He is a published author, and is on the music faculty of SUNY and Ramapo College. Mr. Wiesenfeld has accompanied Grammy-,Tony- and RMI-winning artists, performed on three continents and has played on numerous recordings, radio and TV. Barry’s lecture series has been enjoyed both around the U.S. and abroad. For more information or to contact Barry, please visit

Session one: The Beatles
Those five guys (yes, five!) took the popular music that came before them, and, like Bach and Beethoven, changed that world. The floors of the studios they frequented were littered with pieces of what were once glass ceilings. And their music changed lives. We’ll isolate some of the spices in their recipes, and you’ll likely listen to their music differently, more deeply and with greater insight in the future.

Registration and information:
September 20, 2023, 6:00 PM-7:30 PM, MT

Session two: Beethoven
Ludwig took the musical world into which he was born, mastered it, and then yelled, “Hey, everybody, follow me!” and transformed the Classical era into the Romantic era. He lived a tragic life, but gave us gifts that we treasure still, and the emotion in his music is unrivaled. We’ll delve into his life and his legacy.

Registration and information:
September 27, 2023, 6:00 PM-7:30 PM, MT

Session three: Johann Sebastian Bach
Bach wrote the book on how music works. He outlined the concepts of music theory that we still use today, centuries later, and his works are magnificent. We’ll dissect some of those works, learn what makes them tick, and explore his contributions

Registration and information:
October 4, 2023, 6:00 PM-7:30 PM, MT

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