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AARP AARP States Idaho

Lewiston Scam Jam Conference

Definition of fraud
A close up of the word fraud from a dictionary

AARP Idaho is co-sponsoring a free Scam Jam in Lewiston, Idaho at the Williams Conference Center on the campus of Lewis-Clark State College. The event takes place Thursday, April 3 from 9:00am until 3:30pm and includes a free lunch with keynote speaker Idaho Attorney General Lawrence Wasden. William “Bill” Deal, Director of the Idaho Department of Insurance will discuss the Affordable Care Act, and former Idaho State Representative and current AARP volunteer president Tom Trail will give closing remarks.

Identity theft, investment fraud and scams rob millions of Americans of their hard-earned money every year. According to the latest Javelin Strategy and Research reports on fraud, more than $20 billion is stolen annually from about 13 million victims. Older adults tend to lose about $3 billion every year.

These fun and educational Scam Jams allow participants to hear from the experts and get the tools and tips they need to stay protected from fraud and identity theft.

For more information and to view the event schedule click  HERE Lewiston Scam Jam Information

To register for the Lewiston Scam Jam click HERE (registration is required)

Sponsors and supporters of this free Scam Jam include:

AARP Idaho, Idaho Department of Finance, the Idaho Commission on Aging, Better Business Bureau, the Idaho Department of Insurance, Senior Health Insurance Benefits Advisors, Lewiston-Clarkston Sunrise Rotary Club, Lewis Clark Recyclers, Inc., Justice Alliance for Vulnerable Adults, Idaho Legal Aid Services, Inc., Idaho Crime Prevention Association, the Idaho Bankers Association,  the Idaho Credit Union League,  Area Agency on Aging  Senior Medicare Patrol, State Health Insurance Assistance Programs, Big Country KBZG 97.7, and The Lewiston Tribune.

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