AARP Eye Center
AARP Driver Safety (ADS) is seeking a highly qualified person to serve as the next State Coordinator for Idaho. The current State Coordinator, Roger Wheeler, has decided to retire from the position. This is an

unpaid volunteer position. Any ADS volunteer or individual outside of the program is welcomed to apply. Please refer to the attached position description for additional information.
This key position requires both a commitment to the policies and direction of Driver Safety, and the ability to use effective leadership skills to advance the program at the state level. We are seeking a qualified individual who is innovative, inclusive and has superb leadership skills. The State Coordinator coaches, motivates and provides direction to ADS volunteers in the state and works with them to enhance the overall program locally. The ideal candidate is someone who:
- Thinks strategically;
- Is results oriented;
- Has strong planning or organization skills; and,
- Can build strong working relationships and trusting partnerships to increase the number of volunteers and participants.
The State Coordinator plays a key role, in partnership with the National Office, in bringing ADS volunteers and AARP staff together to promote program growth. The AARP Driver Safety National Office will provide the necessary resources to support this significant work in conjunction with the state office. This is an unpaid volunteer leadership position with many opportunities to represent this important AARP program and its volunteers.
If you or someone you know is interested in helping to advance AARP Driver Safety, please send Vicki Jones, Volunteer Recruiter and Trainer, an email ( expressing your interest along with a few paragraphs about your background, experience and why you’d like be the next State Coordinator. Feel free to call at 202.434.3407 if you have questions. You will be notified if you are selected for an interview.