AARP Eye Center

Join AARP identity theft and fraud prevention expert Amy Nofziger at Smart Women Smart Money in Boise on February 14 and learn how phone number spoofing and robo-calls have changed the landscape of fraud. Get inside two of the most popular scams and understand how they use fear, persuasion and social engineering to steal your hard earned money. After this session you will feel more empowered to spot the red flags and fight off fraudsters. You won't want to miss this important break-out session.
Find out more and register for the next Smart Women Smart Money conference HERE.
Amy Nofziger of the AARP Fraud Watch Network has been fighting fraud for 18 years. She served a term on the State of Colorado's Elder Abuse Task Force, which resulted in Colorado passing a mandatory Elder Abuse reporting law. Due to her experience and expertise, Amy has received frequent public speaking invitations and has presented across the country to consumers and professionals on consumer fraud. She has a degree in Sociology and Criminology and a Master of Arts in Leadership. Amy is a Certified Fraud Examiner.