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The 2020 Census - It Counts for Idahoans

Census Partnership Web Badges_2
census document form and ball point ink pen on American flag for 2020
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The 2020 Census count continues and AARP Idaho is urging people to do their part. So far, Idahoans are responding to the census at 65%, which is higher than the national average of 61%. This is important because the census ensures funding for programs that residents of all ages rely upon.

Census dollars are used for about a hundred programs that help make your community great. It funds things like Medicare Part B, Highway Planning, Federal Pell Grants, School lunch programs, Foster Care, Nutrition Programs, Transit Grants, Disaster Relief, Wildlife restoration, Community Facilities, Veterans Programs, elderly housing, Clean Water programs and so much more.

The census isn’t just about distributing funds. It is about political representation too. Census data determines congressional seats and Electoral College votes. When you’re counted, you have a stronger political voice.

Idahoans can complete the 2020 Census online at, by phone 844-330-2020 or via the paper questionnaire they may have received in the mail.

To learn more about Idaho’s population visit


August – OctoberCensus takers will interview homes that haven't responded to the 2020 Census to help make sure everyone is counted.

December 2020The Census Bureau will provide Congress and the president with the results of the 2020 count.

March 2021By the end of the month, the Census Bureau will send each state its redistricting counts. These figures will be used to determine new legislative districts and also where federal funding is spent.

Watch out for census fraud

  • You get an unsolicited email purporting to be from the Census Bureau. For household surveys and the decennial Census, the agency almost always makes contact by mail.
  • A supposed census agent asks you for money or financial data, such as the number of and amount in your bank account. This should never happen.
  • A supposed census taker threatens you with arrest. Taking part in the Census is required by law, and you can be fined for not doing so, but you can’t be imprisoned.

Visit the AARP Fraud Watch Network for more information on protecting yourself from Census Scams

Take this opportunity to define your decade. Make sure to fill out and return your 2020 Census card.

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