Town Hall with Boise VA Medical Center Offers Support for Veterans and Caregivers
A real person elderly 95 year old man real life World War II and Korean War USA military veteran is sitting next to his senior adult woman home caregiver daughter sightseeing at the lake. His orthopedic mobility walker is close within reach in front of him. He's wearing an inexpensive, non-branded, generic, souvenir shop replica military veteran commemorative baseball style cap. Photo shot at Canandaigua Lake in western New York State - in the Finger Lakes Region.
NOTE: There are no official or authentic military uniform elements of any kind in this image - and no intent to portray anything other than an authentic, proud and patriotic United States military war veteran.
Willowpix/Getty Images/iStockphoto
Family members caring for veterans often experience more health and work strains than other caregivers. AARP Idaho is offering support through a statewide telephone town hall, on Tuesday, June 22, from noon to 1 p.m. (Mountain Time).
The call will feature Janelle Peterson, caregiver support coordinator at the Boise VA Medical Center, who will discuss resources and answer questions.
Participants can join by dialing toll-free 866-767-0637 or register in advance by visiting The conversation will also stream live onAARP Idaho Facebook pageand be available for later viewing.
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