AARP Eye Center

When it comes to scams, knowledge is power.
Con artists are finding new ways to take your money and their schemes are getting more complex. It is imperative to keep up with the latest scams and learn how to identify and stay protected fraud.
The Idaho Scam Jam Alliance will host a fraud and identity theft conference in Lewiston, Idaho, September 17 th at the Red Lion Hotel. The Lewiston Scam Jam is a free, fun, educational and interactive forum where you can learn to avoid today’s scams and frauds while getting the tools you need to protect yourself and loved ones from con artists. Breakfast and lunch are complimentary and there will be a prize drawing at the end of the day. View the Lewiston Scam Jam Agenda
In addition, free personal document shredding will be available from 7am to 9am.
Hear from the Federal Trade Commission, office of the Idaho Attorney General, Better Business Bureau, Idaho Department of Finance, Idaho Department of Insurance, AARP Idaho, University of Idaho and learn about the tricks con-artists are using in Lewiston.
Come for the whole day or stay for just a little while. We are happy to have you and look forward to the day!
Registration is required by either calling toll free 1-877-926-8300 or ONLINE
Lewiston Scam Jam
September 17, 2018, 9:00am - 3:00pm
Red Lion Hotel, 621 21st Street, Lewiston, ID 83501
Registration starts at 8:15am
Free personal document shredding from 7:00am to 9:00am.
Members of the Idaho Scam Jam Alliance include: AARP Idaho, Better Business Bureau, BSU Center of the Study of Aging, Idaho Attorney General’s Office, Idaho Commission on Aging, Idaho Crime Prevention Association, Idaho Department of Finance, Idaho Department of Insurance, Idaho Legal Aid Services. Justice Alliance for Vulnerable Adults, Senior Health Insurance Benefits Advisors, Senior Medicare Patrol Program.