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AARP AARP States Kansas Livable Communities

City of Topeka Joins AARP Network of Age-Friendly Communities

AARP Kansas State Director, Glenda DuBoise, welcomed the City of Topeka to the AARP Network of Age-Friendly States and Communities.

AARP Kansas staff and volunteers welcome the City of Topeka to the AARP Network of Age-Friendly communities.
AARP Kansas staff and volunteers welcome the City of Topeka to the AARP Network of Age-Friendly communities.
Mike Deines

“AARP Kansas is pleased to partner with the city’s Human Relations Commission and Mayor Padilla in this endeavor,” said DuBoise. “This designation will help equip the Capital City with resources to assess the needs of the community related to housing, transportation and access to other key services and develop innovative ways to serve people of all ages.”

 As an Age-Friendly Community, Topeka will now have access to services including:

  • Expert-led webinars and technical assistance from livability professionals
  • Connections to a national network of more than 700 enrolled communities
  • Support, guidance, and best-practice resources from AARP about creating an action plan and documenting progress.

Members of the AARP Network of Age-Friendly States and Communities commit to an assessment process and cycle of continuous improvement. Steps include:

  1. Establishing a way to include people of all ages in the age-friendly process.
  2. Conducting a community needs assessment
  3. Developing an action and evaluation plan based on the assessment results and submit to AARP for review.
  4. Implementing the plan and submitting progress reports
  5. Assessing the impact of the plan
  6. Sharing solutions, successes, and best practices across the network

“AARP Kansas looks forward to walking alongside Topeka city leaders as they embark on this learning journey,” said DuBoise. “We believe this process will further empower people to choose how they live as they age.”

For more information about the AARP Network of Age-Friendly States and Communities visit:

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