AARP Eye Center

Are you ready for your home heating bill to go up-- again?
Kansas Gas Service Company, which provides service to approximately 635,000 customers in 360 Kansas communities is requesting a $28 million net base rate increase. This increase would affect the portions of a customer's bill that relate to the delivery of natural gas by KGS. If approved, the average monthly bill for residential customers will increase $4.34 per month, an increase of 7.2 percent.
In addition, KGS is asking the Kansas Corporation Commission (KCC) to allow it to increase its service charge from $15.35 per month to $20.45 per month. AARP believes that keeping the fixed charge where it is, and applying any rate increase to usage-based charges, allows customers better control over their gas bill and encourages conservation.
Kansas Gas Service Company has also proposed what is called a Cost of Service Adjustment (COSA) which would make future rate increases automatic, bypassing the thorough audit and review of a rate cases. This is a major concern to AARP and KGS customers.
AARP Kansas has asked the KCC to reject the rate increase request and encourages Kansas Gas Service customers to contact the KCC and ask commissioners to deny the KGS proposal.
The KCC can be contacted by e-mail or by calling 1-800-662-0027.