AARP Eye Center

Westar Energy, Inc. has filed for yet another rate increase with the Kansas Corporation Commission (KCC). This time, Westar is asking the KCC to allow it to increase rates by $31.7 million.
On Monday, July 1, the KCC will hold its first formal public hearing on this rate increase request in Wichita from 6 to 8 p.m. in room 123 at the Eugene M. Hughes Metro Complex (5015 E. 29 th St. North) at Wichita State University.
AARP Kansas will be there and we hope you will too. We are working to ensure that Kansas utility customers pay only what is fair and reasonable. The Westar rate increase request will be its 19 th rate increase since 2008, totaling almost $470 million dollars.
What does that mean for you? As proposed, the average residential customer would see their electric bill increase by an estimated $7.50 per month. Some customers can expect rates to jump as much as $15 per month. If this rate request is granted by the KCC, a Wichita customer will have seen their summer electric bills increase from $138 in 2008 to $196 today--a 59% increase!
These rate increases won’t stop until customers demand it! We need to tell the KCC and our legislators to “Stop the Increases.” We need to demand “Affordable Utilities Now!”
Please plan to attend the KCC public hearing Monday, July 1. This is your chance to take a stand and make your voice heard on this rate increase request before your rates increase again.
When: 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., July 1, 2013
Where: Wichita State University
Fred Sudermann Commons (Room 123)
Eugene M. Hughes Metro Complex
5015 E. 29 th St. North
Wichita, KS 67220
Additional information can be found at:
AARP has fought to protect home energy consumers for years at the federal and state levels. Our work is non-partisan and our goal is to advocate for consumers. We hope you’ll join us in keeping utilities affordable.