AARP Eye Center

April is National Volunteer Month and provides the perfect opportunity for staff at AARP Kansas to thank our volunteers all across the state who dedicate their time and talents to make a positive impact on the lives of Kansans, particularly those age 50 and older. Volunteers are a critical resource for AARP and the work we do whether it be through advocacy or community outreach.
We thank:
*the IRS-trained AARP Tax-Aide volunteers who help low-to middle income Kansans prepare and file their taxes;
*the AARP Smart Driver course volunteer instructors who help Kansas drivers refresh their driving skills and adapt to changes in traffic laws and auto technology;
*the members of our AARP Executive Council who guide us in our activities across the state;
*the members of our Diversity Council who advise us on ensuring that we reach out and have an impact on diverse groups of individuals and groups in our state;
*our advocacy volunteers who monitor legislation that impacts those 50 and older, testify on bills, and connect with legislators across the state so they know where we stand on particular issues such as consumer protection, caregiving, healthcare, financial security, affordable utilities, nursing home care and more;
*our community service volunteers who provide information and resources at fairs, senior centers, churches, and schools, and to a wide variety of community organizations:
*our AARP chapter members across the state who volunteer not only for AARP, but for a wide variety of organizations in their communities.
We could not accomplish our work without the time, talent and commitment that these volunteers devote to their areas of interest and expertise. And we have fun too!
If you are looking for ways to give back to your state or community, we’d like you to consider becoming an AARP Kansas volunteer. For more information or if you have questions, please contact Andrea Bozarth at 1-866-448-3619 or