AARP Eye Center

When wealth adviser Tracee Adams first got involved with AARP seven years ago, she thought about holding financial seminars. That never happened.

Instead, she began volunteering to help host a variety of other types of events, from Movies for Grownups screenings and ice cream socials to classes on digital technology trends and a mayoral candidate forum.
Events help people build relationships and combat social isolation, says Adams, who is AARP Kansas’ new volunteer state president. In that role, she will serve as the lead volunteer of the organization—speaking to groups, developing partnerships, recruiting volunteers and working with full-time staff to set priorities.
“Tracee has served in so many different roles and knows the community, and she’s passionate about what AARP stands for,” says Glenda DuBoise, AARP Kansas state director.
State presidents serve two-year terms with the option to renew up to three times.
Adams, who has two grown sons and a grandson, is the founder and CEO of wealth management firm Hawthorn Capital LLC in Wichita. She serves on the boards of several community organizations, including the Urban League of Kansas, the Junior League of Wichita and the Wichita Regional Chamber of Commerce.
As AARP Kansas state president, Adams will focus on advocating for issues important to older adults, such as supporting the state’s 340,000 family caregivers, making communities more livable for residents of all ages and protecting Social Security.
Adams says she sees the move from working on social events to advocacy efforts as a chance to grow. “You bloom where you’re planted,” she says.