AARP Eye Center

Rose Hobson of Forestville, Maryland is the recipient of the 2023 AARP Maryland Andrus Award for Community Service, the organization's highest volunteer honor. The award will be presented at a ceremony on Sept. 7.
After retiring from a career with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Rose embarked upon a second full-time career in service to the community. Since 2016 she has served with the AARP Driver Safety program, hosting clinics to help to keep more than 6,000 older drivers safe on the road, helping them to retain their independence and preventing countless injuries and fatalities. She currently serves as the Maryland statewide coordinator for the program.
“Rose mentors, coaches, and recruits new Driver Safety volunteers, so they, in turn, can feel happy to provide community service,” said her AARP Driver Safety State Co-Chair Peter Surana, who nominated her for the award. “During Covid-19, her efforts to stay connected resulted in retaining may volunteers. She empathized, cajoled and provided her shoulders to lean on.”
Sometimes in this world, you meet an extraordinary person. Rose is one of them.
In addition to her work with AARP Driver Safety, Rose served two terms on the AARP Maryland Executive Council, providing input on the state’s priorities, helping to mentor new volunteers and spearheading community outreach projects. During the legislative session, she advocates in Annapolis on behalf of older Marylanders and their families, contributing to the state office’s legislative successes on issues including family caregiving, prescription drug affordability, food insecurity and livable communities.
In Washington, D.C., Rose is an active member of AARP’s national volunteer advocacy team, representing older Marylanders on Capitol Hill, and participating in press conferences and lobby days in support of Medicaid, Social Security, family caregiving and prescription drug affordability. In recognition of her role on the advocacy team, she was invited to join AARP CEO Jo Ann Jenkins at a White House ceremony to celebrate passage of landmark legislation allowing Medicare to negotiate prescription drug prices.
Rose is committed to educating and empowering older Marylanders, representing AARP Maryland as a media spokesperson, as a member of the AARP Maryland Speakers Bureau and at community events, sharing information and resources on fraud and elder financial abuse, caregiving and other important topics. For several years she helped to lead AARP Maryland’s statewide food drive, and she continues to volunteer at local pantries providing food and clothing to individuals and families in need.
In addition to her extensive work on behalf of AARP, Rose is a 30-year volunteer with the United States Tennis Association, volunteers for CITI Open championships in Washington, D.C., is a national member of the USTA of the National Parks and Recreation Committee, has played tournament tennis, organized tournaments in Washington, DC. and was president of the Women's Competitive Tennis Club, Inc, for more than 20 years—all while coaching and mentoring younger players.
“Through her tireless efforts, Rose motivates and inspires others to excel and do extraordinary things, while earning the respect and admiration of her fellow volunteers,” noted Surana.
For her outstanding legacy of service, which continues to touch and improve the lives of all she meets, AARP Maryland is proud to award Rose Hobson with 2023 Andrus Award for Community Service. Please join us in congratulating Rose!