AARP Eye Center

The 2020 census is underway and every Marylander must be counted!
Join Senator Ben Cardin, Senator Chris Van Hollen, Maryland Lt. Governor Boyd Rutherford, census officials and AARP Maryland on Friday, August 28 for an online rally to cheer on local workers and bring the state's participation levels to record numbers.
By the time of the next census in the year 2030, there will be more Americans over the age of 65 than under the age of 18. Communities are going to have to prepare infrastructure, services and supports to accommodate this historic shift in demographics and will require every federal dollar they are entitled to in order to do so
That is why AARP Maryland is urging all residents to ‘Declare Your Share’ and participate in the 2020 census. Every year you send your hard earned money to Washington. The census is an opportunity to bring those dollars back into your community.
You'll hear from:
Senator Ben Cardin
Senator Chris Van Hollen
House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer
Maryland Lt. Gov. Rutherford
Secretary Robert S. McCord, Maryland Department of Planning
Secretary George W. Owings III, Maryland Department of Veterans Affairs

AARP Maryland 2020 Census Forum
Friday, Aug. 28, 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Register here to participate!
The dicennial census is too important to skip. Census data informs how the government allocates $675 billion in Federal funds across 132 Programs, including Medicare funding, foster programs, rental assistance, health centers, wildlife restoration transportation, schools etc.
Its estimated that Maryland lost nearly $1BN in federal funds due to undercounts in 2010. That is way to high for you, your children, and your grandchildren. If you don’t participate those dollars don’t go back to the Treasury. They’ll just go somewhere else.
In your community, census data drives the decision whether to build a new senior center or a new middle school, or the need to build both! And it determines where in the community they should be located.
Census data is used by researchers, planners and even the business community. It determines where new businesses are built, shopping centers are located, and what stores will be there. Most important, the Census counts determine seats in Congress and in the state legislature.
As a nonprofit, nonpartisan social mission organization, AARP is in your corner, fighting on issues that matter to you and your family. Make sure you declare your community's share.