AARP Eye Center

A statewide public opinion poll released on May 6, shows overwhelming bipartisan support among Maryland voters for a Prescription Drug Affordability Board.
Sponsored by the Maryland Citizen's Health Initiative, the Gonzales Maryland Poll found that 81% of voters favor the Maryland General Assembly’s recently passed legislation to create a Prescription Drug Affordability Board in the state (56% “strongly favor” and 25% “somewhat favor”), while only 10% oppose the measure (6% “strongly oppose” and 4% “somewhat oppose”), with 9% giving no opinion. Support held firm across county and party lines.
“The Gonzales finding that 81% of Maryland registered voters support the Prescription Drug Affordability Board mirrors what we’ve been hearing from our members across the state, that Marylanders are struggling to keep up with the skyrocketing costs of medication," said Hank Greenberg, AARP Maryland State Director.
Greenberg continued: "When we surveyed our members in December 2018, they overwhelmingly responded that the high cost of prescription drugs was a priority issue. Thankfully, the Maryland General Assembly, with the unanimous support of Maryland’s county leaders and a broad coalition of community partners, passed a bipartisan measure to enact the Prescription Drug Affordability Board. The pharmaceutical companies are continuing to fight this bill tooth and nail, because they don’t want to reveal their pricing schemes. Now we are looking to Governor Hogan to put people before profits and support this measure as an important step to ending Rx Greed."
Contact Governor Hogan Today
The Prescription Drug Affordability Board legislation is now on Governor Hogan's desk. Click here to contact the governor and urge him sign this common sense measure supported by the majority of Marylanders.
Learn More About Rx Affordability
To learn more about prescription drug affordability in Maryland, click here.
To learn more about the Gonzales Research Poll results, visit the Maryland Citizen's Health Initiative.
To learn more about AARP's prescription drug affordability efforts at the federal level, visit