AARP Eye Center
Get to know Jim!
AARP Maryland is proud to introduce you to our new Volunteer State President, Jim Campbell. Jim is excited to serve Maryland's 50+ population and looks forward to working with you!

Jim Campbell comes to the AARP Executive Council with a long career in public affairs. From 2003 to 2017 he served as senior manager at Johns Hopkins University School of Education working in both communications and government relations. He arranged for presentations by leading education experts before policy-making committees and recently he organized a national conference bringing together some of the top scholars in the country to present their research on equality of educational opportunity. The event, which received press attention, featured the U.S. Secretary of Education.
Beginning in 1979, Campbell served for 24 years in the Maryland House of Delegates. For eight of those years, he chaired an education policy committee and helped to pass some important policy initiatives including additional funding for schools and legislation supporting teachers and principals.
He also served on the Baltimore City Board of School Commissioners from 2006 to 2010.
For the past decade Campbell has been a regular contributor of opinion pieces for the Baltimore Sun and Washington Post on topical education issues including the importance of early childhood programs, inequality in education and to the importance of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act
Campbell is a member of the Sierra Club, Greenpeace, AARP, Nature Conservancy, Baltimore Museum of Art, the Walters Art Museum and Hampden Family Center.