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The following is a new AARP Maryland column written by AARP Volunteer Brian Smith, a Navy veteran who resides in National Harbor, Maryland.
I have been enjoying my time volunteering as an AARP Maryland Veterans Advocate. After spending an interesting and informative 2018 session advocating in the Maryland legislature, I am looking forward to returning next year to keep fighting for veterans issues.
From time to time, I run across information that may be of interest to my fellow veterans. Here are a few recent items for your consideration:
John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2019
The recently enacted NDAA contains several new benefits for service-disabled veterans. One provision expands access for more veterans to shop at military commissaries and exchanges. Starting in January 2020, any veteran with a service-connected disability can shop at base commissaries and exchanges. This benefit will be also available to Purple Heart, Medal of Honor recipients, and caregivers. These groups will also be entitled to use base Morale, Recreation, and Welfare facilities (gyms, marinas, bowling alleys, etc). Given the number of major military bases in Maryland, not to mention the amazing Navy Recreation Center in Solomons, these changes will have a significant, positive impact on many Maryland veterans!
Additionally “space-available” travel on military aircraft will soon be extended to service-disabled veterans rated with a permanent, total disability. “Space A” travel has long been a benefit enjoyed by military retirees. Given our two major military air hubs at Joint Base Andrews and Dover Air Force Base, this may prove to be a tremendous benefit for these veterans who have sacrificed so much.
Fraud & Identify Theft
If you are a veteran, you are *twice* as likely to be the victim of fraud or identity theft than your civilian counterparts! One major reason is the ready availability of your personal information in a number of government databases, which are not nearly as secure as they should be. Tragically, fraud and identity theft tend to target our most vulnerable veteran seniors. You have worked hard for your money and served our nation with distinction! Please take the time to learn more about AARP’s Operation Protect Veterans.
Want a dog? Get a dog!
AARP has published several superior articles on the health benefits of owning dogs. One article cites a study found that dog ownership " reduced the risk of death for people living alone by 33 percent, their risk of cardiovascular-related death by 36 percent, and their chances of a heart attack by 11 percent." While I can think of at least 10 good reasons for a senior to get a dog, AARP has saved me the trouble of writing it down. Check out this great presentation on " 10 Reasons to Get a Dog When You’re Over 50."
Now, I am not suggesting that a puppy will cure what ails you. Indeed, a puppy is not for the faint of heart! However, our Maryland animal shelters and rescues are, unfortunately, full of wonderful, mature, "pre-owned" dogs that would love to meet you.
If you are interested, I recommend you check out Pets for Patriots. This amazing non-profit partners with shelters and rescues across the country, including many in Maryland, to facilitate dog and cat adoptions by veterans. Adoption benefits include reduced or waived adoption fees, a $150 "start up cost" gift card, and access to a network of reduced-cost veterinary service providers. Note, these benefits are available for veterans that get the adoption pre-approved by Pets for Patriots. I adopted one of my two rescue dogs from the D.C.-based Humane Rescue Alliance, using the Pets for Patriots program. It’s the real deal!
Be sure to check out the amazing volunteering opportunities with AARP Maryland! We could definitely use your help during the next Maryland legislative session. In the meantime, please REGISTER AND VOTE IN NOVEMBER!
For more veterans resources, visit AARP Maryland's Veterans Resources page at