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All crimes that seek to steal money are abhorrent, but those that play on the emotions tend to hurt more.
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Learn to protect yourself from identity theft with three easy steps.
Purchasing a gift card for loved ones during the holidays can potentially get you scammed.
As shopping has moved online, like so many other parts of our lives, so have the scammers and fraud. Here are a few tips to avoid being scammed while shopping online.
Financial abuse of an elder often comes from those who are closest. Talk about it before it is too late.
During the holidays many people make the decision to purchase new pets as gifts to family members. This can open people up to being scammed.
Although all scams that steal money can be painful, none are more so than ones that took advantage of someone's feelings towards another person. Learn things to look out for that can help identify potential scams and prevent them.
Don't be the victim during this time of cheer. As we move towards the holidays, scammers are on the lookout for new ways to steal your money. Learn how to spot and prevent common types of scams during the holiday season.
Its the time of year for charitable giving. But before you donate, make sure to review our tips for avoiding scams.
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