AARP Eye Center

Sick of High Drug Prices?
There is a cure.
Tell our lawmakers to lower Rx prices.

We're paying three times as much for prescription drugs than people in other countries. Too many Maryland residents are forced to choose between filling life-saving prescriptions and paying rent, buying food and meeting other critical needs.
And now with COVID-19, things have only gotten worse as more people lose their jobs. Unfair drug pricing is a life or death issue.
That's why AARP Maryland is fighting for affordable prescription drugs. It's time for our lawmakers to lower prescription drug prices. Because the prices we're paying are just too high. Tell your lawmakers to stop unfair drug prices now or call 800-891-7425.

Learn more:
- 50+ Income in Maryland vs. Rx Price Gouging
- Impacts of High Rx Prices to Maryland Residents
- AARP's Three Point Plan
Americans can’t wait. Let’s get it done today.Take Action!
Currently, Medicare is prohibited by law from using its buying power to negotiate with drug companies to get lower prices for people. This must change. Giving Medicare the power to negotiate will save hundreds of billions of dollars.
And the American people agree. In a recent AARP survey of Americans 50+, a vast majority supported allowing Medicare to negotiate with drug companies for lower prices, including 88% of Democrats and 85% of Republicans.
Tell Congress to let Medicare negotiate lower Rx prices.